
Name of beneficiary: IPARTECHNIKA Menedzser Termelő és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (Limited liability company)

Project identification number: GINOP-1.2.3-8-3-4-16-2017-01248

Title of project: Realisation of the capacity increasing investment of the Ipartechnika Menedzser Kft.; by establishing heavy-mechanical plant, acquisition of assets

Amount of contracted support: HUF 25,368,000

Quantity of support: 30 %


Presentation of the project content: Within the tender the Ipartechnika Menedzser Kft. aimed to realise the infrastructural real estate investment of the existing production hall, as well as the acquisition of assets related to the realisation of the project. Thus the result of the tender is one modern processing hall of almost 400 m2.

With the fixed assets going to be acquired the company’s capacity-increasing investment is being realised. With the purchased tools the company is developing its processing-industrial activity related to metal-processing (sheet-processing, cutting, edge-bending, winding, welding) and even the manufacturing of machinery that serves for special needs.

The scheduled end-date of the project: February 28, 2019